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Human Connection and Human Kindness

Brigitte Parvin

Every day is a new day.

When things zoomed in around us and society was disconnected from physically being around one another, things changed like a light switch.

The world was turning, and the lights went out. We all experienced things on a different level as fear shows up in various ways. Then the light switch flipped back on, and we were disconnected yet Globally connected more than ever before!

I was going through some healing of my knee that was shattered in 16 places before we were struck by COVID. I would go on social media to stay connected as the whole world went spinning about its business.

Then I was keeping my eyes on the changes happening. It did not look right or feel right. Suddenly our whole world was in the same situation with the Global pandemic. Our routines were disrupted, as were our lives.

Looking back now, as we are moving forward, I need to ask myself, what do I want to continue to do from here on out?

I ask you the same.

It is like at a grocery store, of taking stock of what is empty and what needs feeling up?

I know at the top of many people's lists will be treasured times with loved ones.

Creating human connection.

It will be a reunion of sorts.

Everyone is in different spaces, and that is okay. Everyone is right where they are supposed to be.

We are all on our Soul growth journey. Some are aware of it, and some are not.

I want to keep it simple, and I am asking you, how can we make this world a beautiful place. In this space and time?

I am sending you lots of love!



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