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It's Time To Remember Who You Are

Brigitte Parvin

This weekend I had the most fantastic experience.

I went out for a getaway with the family.

Realizing it’s time to get out in about in safe ways.

I have to admit it was way out of my comfort zone as we have all been through the same experience with staying home for over a year now.

I was out of sync with packing luggage etc.

I had angelic signs all throughout the weekend, verifying I am right on track.

I am ready to walk in the direction they are guiding me.

I know they have always led the way.

Sometimes it feels like there have been setbacks.

Yet whenever I can’t see the road ahead, I need to remember it’s just a bend in the road.

My higher power and angels always want what’s best for me and will always provide.

What guidance have you been receiving lately?

If you need any assistance for clarity, I am available to book an appointment with you!

Sending you lots of love,


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