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Brigitte Parvin

Hi friends!

As I am preparing for the blog this week, so much comes to mind.

Before my writing, I connect with my guardian angels and higher power to guide me.

They have been giving repeated messages of don’t be afraid of now, tomorrow, or the future. Everything is going to be okay.

Yes, many things are uncertain, yet the truth is it’s always been and will always be.

This teaches us to live in the moment one day at a time.

This is for our serenity and well-being.

I had an appointment with my physical therapist this last week from the accident I had in Jan 2020, and my knee broke in 16 places. My life stopped right in its tracks.

I had to learn from being bedridden, going to a wheelchair, then a walker, and relearn how to walk. It’s been a long 14 months, then throw on top of that what is going on globally.

I asked my Physical Therapist if my leg was going to work like the other one. He said he didn’t have a crystal ball, but I can go to a psychic down the road to the left. My husband and I chuckled because our business is down the road to the right. He doesn’t know I am a psychic!

I said nevermind, don’t tell me. I will tell you why. I don’t want to get discouraged and put self-defeating limits on myself.

I did not when it happened, and sure enough, won’t now.

I decided to step up my hiking, walking, and maybe jumping!

I will listen to my Yoga Nidra meditation on YouTube (

and visualize myself stronger than ever!

What is something that you won’t let stop you, where you will see yourself limitless?

Love, Brigitte

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