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Self Love As A Priority

Brigitte Parvin

Being in long-term recovery, I have found many layers to uncover, discover, and discard.

It is a slow, gentle healing process that I used to want instant results.

The same things I am working on today are the same as when I began the recovery journey.

There still is that frightened little girl, and then there is that Divine Recovered Goddess inside that lets the little girl know when situations feel familiar, it is okay to speak up, speak your truth with love, and if the person does not understand, you have to speak their language.

When I pray before an uncomfortable situation, asking God and my Angels to go before me, I have learned that it will be divinely guided.

I had not ever had tools like that before, and I have learned to put the butt-kicking machine away. Shame and guilt are all too familiar feelings for me. Where I will feel invisible, drawing away in silence, it comes from the old saying I grew up with, "Children are to be seen and not heard."

Now my mantra is, “I speak my truth with love.”

Breaking cycles is not for sissies, yet it sure beats the alternative of being in denial.

Denial stands for: Don't Even Know I Am Lying.

These are some beautiful reflections on how I got my life back. I am forever grateful for the people who Illuminated the path before me.

After all, I chose this life path.

This I know.



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